Key changes in UK legislation since 1992

As we reflect on 30 years of BPP Law School, Jonny Hurst, Senior Lecturer, Head of Outreach and Law Marketing Lead, takes us through 30 years of key changes in UK legislation.
As we reflect on 30 years of BPP Law School, Jonny Hurst, Senior Lecturer, Head of Outreach and Law Marketing Lead, takes us through 30 years of key changes in UK legislation.
Further and Higher Education Act 1992
Allowed 25 polytechnics to become universities.
Area of law: Education Law
National Lottery etc. Act 1993
Legislation enabling the introduction of the National Lottery.
Area of law: Gaming Law
Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994
Restricted unlicensed raves and introduced greater penalties for anti-social behaviour.
Area of law: Criminal Law
Disability Discrimination Act 1995
The UK’s first legislation against the discrimination of disabled people.
Area of law: Employment Law, Human Rights Law
Employment Rights Act 1996
Covers a wide range of employment rights such as unfair dismissal, redundancy payments and zero-hour contracts.
Area of law: Employment Law
Protection from Harassment Act 1997
Created the offence of stalking.
Area of law: Criminal Law
National Minimum Wage Act 1998
Created a national minimum wage for the first time. This started at £3.60 per hour on 1 April 1999 for those aged 22+ and £3 for those aged 18-21. As of 1 April 2022, it’s £9.50 per hour for those aged 23+.
Area of law: Employment Law
House of Lords Act 1999
An Act to make the House of Lords more democratic by starting to phase out hereditary peers.
Area of law: Constitutional Law
Sexual Offences (Amendment) Act 2008
Changed the age of consent to the age of 16 for homosexual people, to bring it in line with the age of consent for heterosexual people.
Area of law: Criminal law
Anti-Terrorism Crime and Security Act 2001
Legislation introduced post 9/11 to enable the Home Secretary to order the indefinite detention of suspected foreign terrorists.
Area of law: Human Rights Law, Criminal Law
Adoption and Children Act 2002
Enabled unmarried couples to adopt children.
Area of law: Family Law
The Road Vehicles (Constructions and Use) (Amendment No.4) Regulations 2003
Created the offence of using a mobile phone while driving.
Area of law: Criminal Law
Civil Partnership Act 2004
Enabled same-sex couples to register as civil partners, giving them similar (but not identical) rights and obligations as married did for mixed-sex couples.
Area of law: Family Law
Constitutional Reform Act 2005
Created the Supreme Court, replacing the House of Lords as an appellate jurisdiction.
Area of law: Constitutional Law
Companies Act 2006
Legislation which simplified and modernised the law relating to companies.
Area of law: Company Law
Legal Services Act 2007
Legislation which significantly reformed the legal landscape and liberalised the delivery of legal services.
Area of law: Regulation
Climate Change Act 2008
A commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the levels of 1990 by 2050.
Area of law: Environmental Law
Anti-Money Laundering and Countering Financing of Terrorism Act 2009
Legislation to deter money laundering and financing of terrorism.
Area of law: Criminal Law
Equality Act 2010
Legislation against discrimination on the basis of race, sex, disability, religion, or belief.
Area of law: Employment Law, Human Rights Law
Fixed Term Parliaments Act 2011
Reduced the ability for serving government to call a general election at their discretion = i.e., when politically expedient for them.
Area of law: Constitutional Law
Welfare Reform Act 2012
Radically reformed the benefits system and introduced Universal Credit.
Area of law: Welfare Law
Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013
Introduced same-sex marriages in England and Wales.
Area of law: Family Law
Pensions Act 2014
Significantly reformed pensions law.
Area of law: Pensions Law
Consumer Rights Act 2015
Consolidated existing consumer protection laws and introduced new rights and remedies, e.g., in respect of digital content.
Area of law: Consumer Law
General Data Protection Regulations 2016
Essential legislation introduced to protect personal data and privacy.
Area of law: Privacy Law, IT Law
Article 50 of the Treaty on European Law 2017
Following the Brexit referendum in 2016, the Prime Minister invoked Article 50, paving the way for Brexit to be implemented.
Area of law: EU Law
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018
Known as the ‘Great Repeal Act’, this legislation marked the start of the formal legal disengagement from EU Law by the UK.
Area of law: EU Law
Tenant Fees Act 2019
Banned certain fees and penalties charged by letting agents and landlords.
Area of law: Real Estate Law
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) England Regulations 2020
First lockdown regulations during the pandemic.
Area of law: Criminal Law
Domestic Abuse Act 2021
Established a Domestic Abuse Commissioner, prohibited in-person cross examination in certain family or civil cases.
Area of law: Family Law
The Social Security (Habitual Residence) (Amendment) Regulations 2022 and the Homes for Ukraine Scheme
Part of the UK’s response to support UK nationals, Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian family members who wish to return or come to the UK.