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The route to a career in tech at NatWest Group

5 February 2021
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BPPEditorial Team

Building a career as a Developer

Learner profile

Name: Justina Blair

Programme: Level 6 Digital and Technology Solutions Professional Degree Apprenticeship

Job title: Digital Innovation Apprentice

Organisation: NatWest Group


My education and background

I was really strong academically, achieving high grades in my GCSEs and A-Levels.  At 18, I was not comfortable in taking on high-levels of debt but deep down, I knew I still wanted a degree. I came across Leadership Through Sport and Business, a social mobility charity which prepares and supports bright young people from disadvantaged backgrounds into meaningful roles in major companies. They were advertising a degree apprenticeship with NatWest group and BPP. A year later, and I’m undertaking my four-year degree apprenticeship in the NatWest Venture: Esme Loans, earning while I learn at BPP University. 

My biggest influence towards choosing an apprenticeship / Why did I chose an apprenticeship?

The culture of my previous school was heavily based on university being the ultimate success. The advice I received made me feel that my grades would go to waste if I did not attend university, and my research into apprenticeships was often frowned upon by others. However, employers I have spoken with seem to value experience equally if not more than a degree! I spent hours researching and knowing that I could study for a degree while actually applying this knowledge in the industry, gaining experience and building a network meant this was honestly no longer a decision for me- it became a dream I had to achieve. 

How did my studies prepare me for my career?

My day-to-day role involves working towards becoming a developer and project manager: running website releases, publishing blogs, developing and coding pages alongside mini-project management roles in initiating these projects. The learning side of my apprenticeship provided by BPP has direct support and correlation to my role. I have only been in my degree apprenticeship for just over a year and have had several modules that completely apply to providing greater expertise in my role. I have greater awareness of the specialism I would like to choose, and where I want my career to be in the next five years, as a direct result from my experience of these modules.

My advice for others

From my experience I would 100% recommend the journey you are about to dive into. Employers value experience equally, if not more than a degree. There is lesser expectation to have experience when embarking on an apprenticeship from the beginning, contrasted to those with a university degree who can find the job search more difficult. Apprenticeships I feel, prepare you for that real transition between leaving school and adulthood alongside allowing individuals to change fields.

My ambition

I am passionate about inspiring others. Ultimately, I want to qualify as a developer and specialise as a data analyst at BPP after the end of my degree apprenticeship. I will utilise these technology skills to further drive a career in management, whilst maintaining my technology knowledge, I want to exemplify my public speaking abilities and just have as much of an impact on as many people as possible.

See our Digital Technology Solutions Professional Degree Apprenticeship

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