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BPP University Policies and Procedures

The University Policies and Procedures have been developed in support of the General Academic Regulations (GARs) and take their authority from them.  For the purposes of interpretation of these policies and procedures, the General Academic Regulations shall take precedence unless the Academic Council has authorised a specific derogation. Such derogations are set out in the GARs, Schedule F.

These policies and procedures are living documents and may be amended with the approval of the Education and Standards Committee subject to them remaining within the scope of the GARs.

The University Policies and Procedures are listed and can be accessed below. Under each section link is a guide to what each policy and procedure contains for ease of referencing.

Should you have any queries related to a specific policy or procedure, please contact Academic Quality on

Outlines the University’s policies and procedures in relation to admissions.  

It should be read in conjunction with General Academic Regulations Section B – Admissions

Outlines the University’s policies and procedures in relation to change of programmes, interruption of studies, withdrawal, academic progress monitoring, Sponsored Visa Student Engagement Monitoring, termination of registration, and fitness to study. 

It should be read in conjunction with General Academic Regulations Section C – Registration, Engagement, Progress and Conduct

Outlines the University policies and procedures in relation to disability disclosure, learning support, and wellbeing and mental health.

It should be read in conjunction with the following sections of the General Academic Regulations:

Section B – Admissions

Section C – Registration, Engagement, Progress, and Conduct

Section E - Examinations, Assessment & Academic Practice

Section G – Rights and Duties

Outlines the University policies and procedures in relation to student conduct, harassment and sexual misconduct, fitness to practise, and suspension/exclusion and precautionary action. 

It should be read in conjunction with the following sections of the General Academic Regulations:

Section B – Admissions

Section C – Registration, Engagement, Progress, and Conduct

Outlines the University policies and procedures in relation to extension of deadline dates to assessments, extenuating circumstances and concessions, and reasonable adjustments. 

It should be read in conjunction with the following sections of the General Academic Regulations:

Section C – Registration, Engagement, Progress, and Conduct

Section D – Awards and Programmes Framework

Section E - Examinations, Assessment & Academic Practice

Outlines the University policies and procedures in relation to programme approval (including re-approval), non-award course approval (including re-approval), module approval procedures, modifications, programme critical review, and approval of university centres. 

It should be read in conjunction with the General Academic Regulations Section D – Awards and Programmes Framework

Outlines the University policies and procedures in relation to the approach to academic planning, monitoring and review.

It should be read in conjunction with the General Academic Regulations Section D – Awards and Programmes Framework

Outlines the University policies and procedures in relation to the preparation and administration of examinations, conduct of examinations, invigilation of examinations, digital assessment procedures and guidance, assessment strategy and framework, and assessment feedback policy.

It should be read in conjunction with the General Academic Regulations Section E – Examinations, Assessment & Academic Practice

Outlines the University policies and procedures in relation to managing poor academic practice and academic misconduct, both for current students and any graduate where concerns arise post-award. 

It should be read in conjunction with the General Academic Regulations Section E – Examinations, Assessment & Academic Practice.

Outlines the University policies and procedures in relation to marking and moderation of examinations and assessments, the provision of assessment feedback, and terms of appointment for external examiners. 

It should be read in conjunction with the General Academic Regulations Section E – Examinations, Assessment & Academic Practice

Outlines the University policies and procedures in relation to Classifications and Awards. 

It should be read in conjunction with the following sections of the General Academic Regulations:

Section D – Awards and Programmes Framework

Section E – Examinations, Assessment & Academic Practice 

Outlines the University policies and procedures in relation to approved and endorsed providers, approval of employer partners for work-based learning opportunities, and approval of clinical partners for clinical observation opportunities. 

It should be read in conjunction with General Academic Regulations Section D – Awards and Programmes Framework

Outlines the University policies and procedures in relation to academic appointments, appointment of honorary fellows, visiting fellows, and visiting professors, and honorary degrees. 

It should be read in conjunction with General Academic Regulations Section F – Academic Appointments and Honorary Awards

Complaints and appeals are important to the University because we recognise that although we aim to provide a high-quality service, no system is error-proof. We rely on our members (students and staff) to help us identify potential errors and correct them. Wherever possible, we will seek to do so informally and promptly and the policy and procedure outlines our approach in this area.

It should be read in conjunction with General Academic Regulations Section G – Rights and Duties

Outlines the University’s expectations and duties in relation to academic freedom and freedom of speech, and the approach to handling concerns from staff, students and third parties external to the University where they believe they are being unfairly obstructed in their expression of academic freedom and freedom of speech.

It should be read in conjunction with General Academic Regulations Section G – Rights and Duties

Outlines the University’s policies and procedures in relation to supporting and fulfilling its duties to equality and diversity. 

It should be read in conjunction with the General Academic Regulations Section G – Rights and Duties