How to identify and fill skills gaps

How we can support you in identifying and plugging skills gaps within your business.
The skills gap crisis
The World Economic Forum recognises that skills gaps will remain the most significant challenge when it comes to delivering successful digital transformation. It estimates that 50% of employees globally will require re-skilling by 2025, and for employees who remain in their current role, approximately 40% of their core skills will need to be shift.
Although 78% of leaders recognise that capability building is very or extremely important, only 16% have started to build priority capabilities and strategies (McKinsey). This of course causes an immediate challenge for HR leaders and Learning and Development teams as they discuss future skills, job functions and roles, while ensuring that they meet the internal requirements to identify and understand both current and future capability gaps. Despite the urgency, it is clear that HR teams do not always have the time, resource, or knowledge to address this issue quickly and effectively.
Download our Skills Revolution Report or APAC Skills Revolution Report for APAC regional insights.
Helping you understand your skills gaps
BPP has developed Capability+ to help you to understand both your current and future capability needs. Our unique diagnostic process allows us to review the current skills and levels of proficiency in your organisation and anticipate the skills your people will need in the future; profiling the skills needed for roles from entry-level all the way through to senior management.
Our diagnostic process in action
1. First, we get to know your business in a consultative session, to understand your strategic direction, people strategies and workforce plans and how the changing skills landscape will impact them.
2. We then use our skills matrices, developed using insight from industry professionals, institutes and employers, to analyse both your current learning needs and future skills requirements for the roles in your organisation.
3. We heatmap the skills your people need, identifying high priority skills that require training both immediately and in the future.
4. Finally, we’ll deliver a Capability+ report that summarises the skills data we collected on your employees throughout the diagnostic process and outline subsequent recommended training solutions.
Our approach in action
In 2020 we teamed up with a leading global insurance provider to understand and plan for their capability needs. Read the case study here.
Explore our approach and speak to us today
As your strategic talent partner, we will work to understand your individual business needs and goals and provide training that upskills your employees from day one.